| 埃努玛-埃里什
Enuma Elish 巴比伦创世史诗
 | 埃大哈西与人类的受造 Astrahasis and the Creation of Man
 | 埃拉和以舜 Erra
and Ishum
 | 埃塔那的神话 The
Myth of Etanna
 | 亚述列王年鉴 Annals of the Kings of Assyria
 | 亚述巴尼拔:献给太阳神 Prayer of Ashurbanipal to Shamash
 | 亚玛拿文书35号
Amarna Tablet 35, Letter
between Kwo Kings (15 c. BC)
 | 亚述王阿希喀的故事 The
Story of Ahikar, Grand Vizier of Assyria (500 BC)
 | 英译本
[14] 4/9/00
 | 亚述尔的创世纪 Creation
Account from Ashur
 | 巴比伦关于迦勒底吾珥城的亚伯拉罕的泥版记载
Abraham, Ur of Caldees, Babylonian Tablets
 | 巴比伦谚语 Babylonian
Proverbs from Ashurbanipal's Library
 | 巴比伦王表 Babylonian
King List, or List of the Antediluvian Patriarchs
 | 伊什塔尔下阴间,或地狱之门 Gates
of Hell, or Descent of the Ishtar into the Lower World (Underworld, Netherworld)
 | 伊什塔尔颂 Hymn
to Ishtar (1600 BC)
 | 伊什塔尔哀歌 Prayer
of Lamentation to Ishtar
 | 沉睡的伊什塔尔 The Sleep of Ishtar
 | 萨尔贡书 The
Legend of Sargon of Akkad (2300 BC)
 | 汉穆拉比法典 The Code of Hammurabi, Codex Hammurabi, Hammurabi's Code of Laws
(r. 1848-1806 BC)
 | 汉穆拉比碑铭 The Hammurabi Stele, or Marduk and Hammurabi (1790 BC)
 | 乐园纪 Epic of
Paradise, Mountain Tilmun (Dilmun), Flood, and Fall of Man
 | 马尔杜克颂 Psalm to Marduk
 | 想起吾珥而恸哭 Lament for Ur
 | 祈驱邪灵 An
Assyrian Prayer against Evil Spirit
 | 近东古代条约及法律文书辑 Treaties
and Legal Contracts from the Ancent Near East
 | 英译本
[15] 其中一则是苏美尔文书
 | 吾玛和拉伽什 Umma
and Lagash
 | 拉伽什的首领 Rulers
of Lagash
 | 英译本
[14] 7/1/00
 | 人与神 A Man and
His God
 | 英译本
[14] 7/2/00
 | 约伯,或者塔布图贝 Ludlul
Bel Nimeqi, Tabu-utul-Bel (Job) (1700 BC)
 | 转写但尚未翻译的巴比伦文书 Transcribed Babylonian Texts