The Creation

"The history of the Creation of the Gods and of the World. Version A"

"This book of knowing the evolutions of Ra, [and] of overthrpwing Apep. The words of fneb-er-tcher [which] he spake after he had come into being. I am he who came into being in the form of Khepra, I was (or, became) the creater of what came into being, the creator of what came into being, the creator of what came into being all; after my coming into being many [were] the things which came into being coming forth from my mouth. Not existed heaven, not existed eath, not had been created the things of the earth (i.e. plants) and creeping things in place thaat; I raised up them from out of Nu (i.e. the primeval abyss of water) from a state of inactivity. Not found I a place I could stand wherein. I worked a charm upon (or, with) my heart. I laid a foundation in Maa [and] I made attribute every, I was alone, [for] not had I split in the form of Shu, not had I emitted Tefnut, not existed another who worked with me. I made a foundation in my heart my own, (or, by means of my own will) [and] there came into being, the multitudes of things which came into being of the things which came into being from out of the things which came into being of births, from out of the things which came into being of their births. I, even, I had union with my clenched hand, I joined myself in an embrace with my shadow, I poured seed into my mouth my own, I sent forth issue in the form of Shu, I sent forth moisture in the form of Saith Tefnut. my father Nu, "They make to be weak my eye behind them, beacuse for double henti periods they proceeded from me after I became from god one gods three, that is from out of myself, [and after] I came in earth this. Were raised up therefore Shu [and] Tefnut in the inert watery mass wherein they were, brought they to me my eye in their train. After therefore I had united my members I wept over them, [and] came nto being men and women from the tears [which] came forth from my eye, [and] ot raged against me after it came [and] found [that] I had made another in its place. [I] endowed it with the power (or, splendour) which I had made. Having made to approach therefore its place in my face, afterwards therefore it ruleth earth this tp ots whole extent. Fall their moments (or, seasons) upon their plants, I endowed it with what is hath taken possession of in it. I came forth from (or, in the plants, the form of) creeping things all, [and] things which came into being a;; [are] om them. Give birth Shu [and] Tefnut [Seb] and Nut. Give birth Seb and Nut to Osiris, Horus-Khent-an-maati, Set, Isis, Nephtys from the womb, one after the other of them, they give birth [and] they multiply in earth this."

"The History of the Creation of the Gods and of the World. Version B"

"The Book of knowing the evolutions of Ra [and] of over throwing Apep. The words of Neb-er-tcher. He says:- " I was (or became) the creator of what came into being. I came into being the forms of Khepera coming into being in primeval time. I came into being in the forms of Khepera. I was (or, became) the creator of what came into neing, that is to say, I produced myself from the primeval matter [which] I made. I produced myself from primeval matter. My name is Osiris the primeval matter of primeval matter. I have done my will all in earth this, [and] I have spread abroad in it; I raised up my hand. I was along; not born [were] they. Not had I spit in the form of Shu, not had I emitted Tefnut I brought [into] my mouth my own name, that is to say a word of power and I, even I, came into being in the form of things which came into being, and I came into being in the forms of Khepera. I came into being from the primeval matter, coming into being [in] miultitudes of forms from the beginning. Not existed created things any in land this; I made whatsoever was made everything. I was alone, not existed [any other] who worked with me in place that; I made what I made therein by means of divine sould that [which I raised up therein out of Nu (i.e. the primeval abyss of water) from a state of inertness, not found I a place whereon I could stand. I worked with the spirit [which] was in my heart, I laid a foundation before me, I made whatsoever was made all. I was alone, I laid a foundation in my heart, I made other things which came into being, and manifold were the things which came into being of Khepera. Came into being what they gave birth to out of the creations of their offspring. I, even I, spat in the form of Shu, [and] I emitted Tefnut, [and] I became from god one gods three, that is to say, from myself two gods came into being on earth this. Were raised up therefore Shu and Tefnut in Nu (i.e. the primeval watery abyss) wherein they were. Behold, my eye brought to me they in the train of a henti period they procceded from me. I collected my members, they came forth from myself after I had union with my clenched hand, came to me (?) my heart (or, will) out of my hand. The seed [which] fell into my mouth, I spat in the form of Shu, I emitted water in the form of Tefnut, I became from [being] god one gods three, that is to say, from myself two gods came into being on earth this. Were raised up therefore Shu and Tefnut fromout of Nu (i.e., the inert primeval water abyss) wherein they were. Saith my father Nu, "They covered up (or, made weak) my eye after them [with] brushes, twice, for hen periods. Vegetation and reptiles [came] from the gof Rem, from the tears [falling] from me. Cried my eye, came into being mankind. I endowed it with power. It raged at me after it came [finding] another growth within its place. Fell its vigorous power upon its bushes, upon the bushes [which] I placed there to make adornment in it. Ruling therefore [on] its seat in my face it ruleth the whole earth. Gave birth Shu [and] Tefnut to Nut, Osiris, Heru-khenti-an-maati, Set Isis, Nephtys, [and] behold, their children they create beings manifold in earth this from the beings of children, from the beings of their children. They invoke my name, they overthrow their enemies, they create words of power for the overthrow of Apep, who is to be bound by the two hands of Aker, not may be his two hands, not may be his two feet, may he be chained to one place even as inflicteth Ra his blows decreed for him. He is overthrown on his back wicked, alit is his face for what he hath done, and he remaineth upon his back evil."

Sir E. A. Wallis Budge "The Gods of the Egyptians"