| 佛祖的首次布道 The Bhuddha's First Sermon
 | 法句经 Dhammapada, or Path of Truth
 | Buddha, The Word, or the Eightfold Path (500 BC)
 | 梵经 Brahma Sutra
 | 喻珈经 Yoga Sutras, or Union Threads,
or Yoga Aphorisms / Patanjali
 | 莲花经 Saddharma-pundarîka,
or The Lotus Sutra
 | 金刚经 The
Vagrakkhadika, or Diamond Cutter, or Diamond Sutra
 | The Buddha-Karita of Asvaghosha
 | The Larger Sukhavati-Vyuha, Description of
Sukhavati, or The Land of Bliss
 | Upostha Sila: The Eight-Precept Observance (1929)
 | The Triadic Heart of Shiva (990-1014), by Abhinavagupta
 | Saddharma Pundarika Sutra, or The
Wonderful Law of the Lotus Sutra (100 BC - 150 AD)
 | The Smaller Suhkavativyuha Sutra, or the Sutra on the Buddha
 | Contemplation Sutra, or Sutra on the Contemplation of Buddha
 | Discourse on the Ten Stages, by Nagarjuna (2 - 3 c. AD)
 | Hisao Inagaki 英译本 (1998):卷九
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 | Sri Siksastaka, or Divine Instructions
 | Bhaja Govindam, by Shankara Acarya (805-837)
 | 般若婆罗蜜多心经 Heart Sutra, or Prajnaparamita
Hridaya Sutra
 | 梵文版 [15] 1/12/00 |
 | 转写本 (影像版) [15] 1/12/00
 | Tripurasundari Ashtakam, by Shankara Acarya (805-837)
 | Mahamangala Sutta
 | Sandilya Bhaktisutra
 | Saundaryalahari
 | The Purusa Sukta
 | The Yoga Aphorisms by Patanjali
 | Culasunnatta Sutta
 | Visuddhimagga, or The Path Of Purification
 | 菩萨福音 The Gospel of Buddha
 | 达摩经 The Dharma Sutra